Paper Towns by John Green Review

Recommended for:  fans of John Green and solving mysteries
Read from December 02 to 14, 2014


Spoiler Review here



4.5 stars? I think.

I actually ended up liking this more than I thought I would. Gosh, John Green just knows how to write a book. Really, though, this book made me think, a lot.

I liked the idea of this book being about a girl who’s basically a mystery–

“Margo always loved mysteries. And in everything that came afterward, I could never stop thinking that maybe she loved mysteries so much that she became one.” (8)

–because it creates a unique storyline.

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Looking for Alaska by John Green Review

99561Recommended for: fans of John Green’s writing and fans of books about boarding schools and teens.
Read from August 04 to 15, 2014


Spoiler Review here


(3.5 stars…? It’s becoming harder and harder for me to rate books by stars.)
Looking for Alaska is an interesting novel. I must say it was not at all what I thought it would be like. I started out actually disliking this book because the plot consisted of a lot of drinking and smoking which was not very appealing to me.
But because of the numerous 5 star ratings on GoodReads, I carried on (well I mean, also because it’s John Green…). A lot of people say they like this novel more than The Fault in Our Stars, but I can’t say I’m one of them–although, both books have really interesting and important lessons that I think a lot of people should read about.
Because of the way this novel is written, the reader is constantly wondering: “What happens between the Before and After that is so significant?” I found myself just waiting for the countdown to get sooner to the After. And I must say this novel became somewhat more interesting during the “After”.
One thing that was so interesting in this novel was Pudge’s obsession with “last words”. What a cool obsession! I thought it was fun to learn famous figures’ last words.
*If you’ve read this book you can read my spoiler review in the link above*
So, in the end, Looking for Alaska is worthy of 4 stars.

What did you think of Looking for Alaska?