It’s Monday! What are you reading? (#1)


It’s Monday! What are you reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Book Journey where you can post about what you’ve read recently, are currently reading, & plan on reading next.

This past week has been full of laziness, from watching tons of Friends episodes to watching the first two Twilight movies, because why not?

Alright so here’s my reading update for the week:

Recently finished: Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare (Review here)

Currently Reading: I just started The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken yesterday. I must say I am very very intrigued and I am only on page 66. I hope to finish this book before the week is over! But alas, I am somewhat of a slow reader and like to take my time so I can truly enjoy the book; therefore, I predict I may not be able to finish it by next week’s Monday post.

Plan on reading next: Heist Society by Ally Carter. This is because it’s on my list for the challenge I recently joined! I hope to enjoy this novel since it has themes of mystery and adventure within, which I typically enjoy! (hence the Pretty Little Liars obsession)

Well that’s it for today! What are you reading this week?

Have you read any of the mentioned novels?

Link to your Monday post in the comments and on this page!


    • Yes I too have to finish the series! Oh trust me I have so so so many books on my shelves that I haven’t touched yet so I know how you feel haha. Yes the Pretty Little Liars tv show is amazing but the storyline is much different from the books. By December there will be 16 books total…it has kind of dragged on but the first 8 books are great!


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